IYE Introduces Sunstinger

IYE Introduces Sunstinger

An introduction to Sunstinger

With a signature noise not unlike blending together the sheer noise terrorism of JAMC with the fuzzy wash of shoegaze, Sunstinger have firmly stamped their name on the list of ‘bands to watch’. With their EP ‘Worthless’ riding high on many best of 2024 lists, we had a recent Q&A by email with vocalist and guitarist Taylor Wright, to find out about how it’s been so far, and what’s to come in the near future.

IYE – Okay, can you introduce Sunstinger to us, and tell us a bit about yourselves?

TW – Sunstinger is a post-Shoegaze band from Fife. The only one now, and maybe the only one ever. We’ve been around for maybe 5 or 6 years. Over the years our sound has changed and developed. We tend to change our sound a little bit on every release.

It started off with just a few of us messing around with the intention to record a one-off EP. I think that’s why we don’t take things too seriously, we just go with the flow and do what we feel is enjoyable.

IYE – Do you all have similar influences, or is the Sunstinger sound an amalgamation of different things?

TW – We all come from different backgrounds, but I think we’ve landed in the same place. Regardless of our individual influences I think we understand, as a band, who we are.

IYE- Who in the band has the best taste in music?

TW – We’d probably get in a fistfight for this one. And I’d most likely win the fight(!) But I’ve got a pretty shite taste in music.

IYE – Beyond The Frame vinyl has sold out on Bandcamp. Is there a reissue in the works?

TW – It’s sold out in a particular variant, there are still a few variants up for sale. No, we won’t release it ever again (in the UK). Sonic Rising Records were cool enough to back a U.S. version though.

IYE- What have been your highlights from 2024?

TW – We self-released our second EP ‘Worthless’, and played a lot of sold out shows around Scotland. It’s really cool that people give a shit, and it’s been a decent year for the band. We headed over to Belfast and played Gazefest where we met some new friends (Virgins). People who haven’t already should go check them out.

IYE – What have you got planned for 2025?

TW – We’re booked into the studio to record a new batch of songs with a new producer for the first time ever. I think this is a big step forward for us and I’m really looking forward to seeing how the new material comes out.

IYE – Give us three bands or artists we should be looking out for.

TW – We live in a cave, man. I don’t know what the fuck’s going on out there…

Three bands I listen to more than once a month:

Trauma Ray


Title Fight

IYE – Where can new fans find out about Sunstinger, and where is the best place to keep up to speed with the latest news?

TW – Your usual social media death cults; Instagram, Facebook, X etc. We’re found @sunstinger.

Sunstinger are: Taylor Wright (vocals, guitar), Scott Gourlay (guitar), Bill Anderson (bass), and Nick Hernandez (drums).